Aim of the project
SAAM aims to contribute to the improvement and modernization of Vocational Training in 17 African countries, as well as to strengthen the relationship between VET and the labour market. To achieve this goal, SAAM will generate mobility of VET professionals and students from various technical areas.
This alliance aims to promote the exchange of ideas and techniques between regions, improve the skills of teachers and students, improve the standards of both the quality of management and training and finally improve the curriculum pathway of the VET centres.
The “ Supporting Alliance for African Mobility ” will create a VET network based on peer-to-peer connections between VET centres in Africa and Europe in order to obtain successful results, provide a bigger impact and create real and prosperous connections.
Kpedu: Impact on the Natural Resourse Sector. First one in testing GLOBAL mobilities.

'This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union, under the Africa-EU partnership. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Kpedu and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union'