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  • Kpedu Keski-Pohjanmaan koulutusyhtymä

ERASMUS+ KA2 Forest Boost



The main objectives of Project Forest Boost are to develop the strategy of the forestry students’ exchange process so obvious and self-evident that they easily choose the exchange period as part of their studies, they know the partner colleges and their different possibilities. In addition the forestry teachers familiarize with the education methods and curricula of the other forestry schools in the network. The exchange periods will be a natural part of the students’ studies and they are also a reliable opportunity to get acquainted with foreign cultures and education abroad for students with special needs as well as for those who haven’t travelled a lot. Project Forest Boost will increase the exchange of forestry students and teachers, strengthen the partnerships and clarify the strategy of mobilities between the partner colleges. The aspect of internationalization at home will be taken well into account when the students and teachers reciprocally host students and teachers of the partner colleges. Students who are not involved in exchange projects abroad have the possibility to contact foreign students in their home college.

Potential benefits

The need for Project Forest Boost arose from the lack of an European forestry network. It’s important to improve the professional, transnational, cultural and linguistic skills of the forestry students and thus give better opportunities for their employment in the labour market.

Project partners

The project is coordinated by Samiedu, Itä-Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä, Savonlinna, Finland.

The participating orgnisations are: Zespol Szkol Lesnych i Ekologicznych w Brynku, Brynek, Tworóg, Poland De Wijnpers, Leuven, Belgium Luua Metsanduskool, Luua, Estonia Berufskolleg am Eichholz, Arnsberg, Germany and Kpedu, Keski-Pohjanmaan koulutusyhtymä, Kokkola, Finland


121 105 €, Kpedu € 19185

Contact details:

Heidi Jokinen, International Coordinator
p. 044 725 0624